Life is perfect.
This year has been study-wise pretty hard for me because I suddenly went about changing my stream of study. And studies have a tendency of sucking the life out of me. (I take too much of load when it comes to studies, according to a friend of mine, nicknamed - Point. LOL) But, the main point is that the most important exams in my life so far have been dealt with, though the result shall show itself in two months and I'm a final year B.Com. student now! YAY :D
I'm in the midst of my well-deserved 5 day long vacation before I've to go back to my training and am loving it. I'm feeling lighter than I've felt in a long long while. Sleeping in till late and waking up without an alarm. (Although, waking up out of shock when you hear your mum telling you she's written a poem for your wedding card is not any better.) Having Maggi for breakfast. Enjoying the weather. Enjoying the scent of flowers and the chirping of birds in the park in the evening. Loving everything, everyone. Even enjoying promos of "P-A-A" *shudders*. Going for a jog and loving it too! Not having to keep a count of time. Playing scrabble. FBing all day long. Listening to "Kya karoon?" from Wake Up Sid all day long on repeat and again the next day. I love this. :-D But, only when I've worked hard to deserve these moments.
Lalalala...tururururu. :D
P.S.: I'm not getting married ROFL@Annie's comment !!!!! Mum has written it six-seven years in advance to save the trouble then! LOL Annie! Katta kar diya!
Ahhhh!!! you seem sooooooo happy!!! And content! :) Loving it!!!
*pulls out shades and imagines relaxing at some beach with you* :P
n I have been listening to Kya karoon on repeat too!!!! Cant help it! Its such a lovely song! :)
And mom writing poems for wedding cards *sits up in shock* wow ur getting married? :D :D
P.S: Have funnnn!!!! :D
@Annie: :D :D :D
Yes I'm getting married in 7 years...LOL..mere ghar me ajeeb cheezen hoti hain..she's penned it down in a scrapbook in which she has noted down many ideas for such occasions. LOL :P
Waaah..some one is getting married in 7 years..me in another decade.. :P So nice to see ya all happy and gay.. and anniee!!! better be careful,u kno why!! :D :P
keep on enjoying happy feling :)
me jealous!!!!, i want 5-day-sleep-break now....
Woah, engineering students have dreams of holidays !
And students going to Uk for studies cant even fail :( LOG KYA KAHENGE AND SHIT :P lol
Enjoy your vacations !
Ps: 7 years more to get married ! woah ! Some time table u ve set :P
@Nikhil : YAYiieee.. :D :D I'm happy...lalalala
@Neeraj: Thank you Neeraj!! :) How are you?? :)
@Rohan: I worked wayyyy harder than what any engineering student can do even in his/her dreams! :P Trust me, Chartered Accountancy (+ a graduation course) is just something else! Oh and the workaholic that I am, I cut my vacations short to three days and got back to work! :-)
Can I simply copy and paste Annie's comment?? :D
You better be regular with the blogging now. :P
hey, i love your blog! whatever i could read of it. especially the "john can hate doggie" post. heheh....you must like have a super-duper sense of humour ! keep posting.
ps: Damn why was our generation not as funny and quirky as yours?
you'd probably be asking yourself the same question 10 yrs down....sigh.
For some reason i couldn't stop laughing at that "Lalalala...tururururu" line... ROTFL
@Bondgal: :D Regular blogging? Wo kya hota hai?! I'm going through a serious bloggers' block, you know. :l My recent post is not something you can count as "something"!
@Free-Fallin': Thank you soooo much!!! you've made my day! Really! :D The world needs more people like you! :D
P.S.: You think so? :-I Oh, well..the end is near as it is. We will probably be the last funny generation. :P
@Weirdo Guy: LOL. :P
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