If only I would have taken birth exactly one month before I actually did, I would have shared my birthday with none other than another one of the loves of my life. Yes people, today is the birthday of the best, the awesomest, the legend, my hero and my love - Jackieeeee Chan :D
(So now you know when my birthday is! :P)

I've seen all Jackie Chan movies (even those reeeeeeally old chini movies of his heeheehee they're the best :D. And that cartoon series - Jackie Chan Adventures on CN!!!! :D Awesome!!) that exist (Well, almost) except for the one that was on Star Movies the other day and Jackie was really sad in it :*Sob* and he's such a happy guy..I couldn't bear to watch him like that. Some movie called New Cop Story. But people, even those who don't like them, or those who haven't ever watched a Jackie Chan movie, I recommend this movie to you - City Hunter. The best Jackie Chan movie ever ever ever!!! Take my word for it, you'll be left ROFL-ing!!! Jackie is so funnyyy...eeeee!!! I wish he finds this while randomly net surfing!!!!! eeeeeee!!!!! how cool would that beeeeeeee!!!!!!!
P.S. - Okay okay, don't give me that look..I'm going to study now. Okay!!
arreee wah!! If I had known this earlier!! yes jackie chan is The chan, makes u laugh and feel good :D
happies bday to him :)
Agreed. He really is a damn funny guy!! And some of his movies are good too!!
Good to see you blog regularly btw. :)
Can't believe a girl actually saw all of Jackie Chan's movies. :O
Can't believe a girl actually saw all of Jackie Chan's movies. :O
amen to dhanya's reaction !
you be a cool girl dr.acula !
wOOt !!
Yea....Jackie is indeed awesome!
Which was City Hunter again?
I loved the Project A movies the most myself! They were hilarious! Reminded me of old Mallu movies...
Happy Birthday?
Happy birthday Siya :)
@The Bald guy - Thanks again :)
@Amit - Thank you!! :)
@Amrita - i know :D
@Isha - When I do blog once in a blue moon, it's because you read whatever random stuff i have to say :D hehe. thank you :D
@Dhanya, the weirdo guy - Probably because when you have a brother..after a certain age, he starts playing with your barbie dolls and you start watching action movies. hehe :D Okay, that's not true. :P I love jackie chan :D and sylvester 'Rocky Balboa' stallone too. The two major loves of my life.
@Tanvi - I know =)
@Bullshee - IMDB it :P and DO WATCH IT. it's the best ever :D
u wont believe it..naah, u actually will believe it..
I LOVE HIM TOO!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D not like, die hard like u though :(
my family hates his movies so i can never watch them and they usually come raat ko on hbo or star movies :(
grrr...i commented so late :(
You are the first girl I came across who loves Jackie chan..! Good..Something different..what say? ;)
I love Mr. Chan's movies too! Esp- the title sequence at the end of the movie- where thry show the shoot- very funny! i just love armour of god series!
:).. he is great comedian..i like the comedy with action.....I always loved to watch his movies..dint watch that many though..
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